Office Reception 3D Sign 1/2" Acrylic With Brushed Metal Substitute Acrylic ®

Corporate logo sign made of 1/2" brushed substitute metal faces and painted edges to match - customer Canadian Trucking alliance.

Mirror Mirror on the wall 3d sign different angle for condo sign design

Price: $1000-1300

Anoth­er angle of the sign, Art Signs instal­la­tion tech­nique, with 12 spac­ers and direct to the wall installation.


Materials: Acrylic
Length: 4 foot (48") long signs
Thickness (Letter): Half inch thick (1/2") Letters
Mounting Method: Larger Raised & Smaller Flush Mounted
Illumination: Natural Lighting
Finish: Bright Nickel Metal Substitute Signs
Type: Office Lobby Signs
Industry: Transportation Signs
Office sign 3d sign at ArtSigns, condo sign design
office sign for condo sign design

Clos­er view of the office wall 3d sign.

Deep Engraved 3d sign for condo sign design

Top part of the sign